Solar Panels in Ireland: How Much Electricity Can You Generate?

Discover the potential of solar panels in Ireland and how much electricity they can generate. Learn about factors that affect their efficiency and the benefits they offer.

Solar Panels in Ireland: How Much Electricity Can You Generate?

Solar panels have become a popular choice for renewable energy in Ireland. With the country's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable living, more and more households and businesses are turning to solar panels as a way to generate electricity. But how much electricity can a typical solar panel system generate in Ireland? As an expert in the field, I am here to provide you with all the information you need to know about solar panels in Ireland and their potential for electricity generation.

The Potential of Solar Panels in Ireland

Ireland may not be known for its sunny weather, but that doesn't mean solar panels are not a viable option for generating electricity. In fact, Ireland has a surprisingly high potential for solar energy. According to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the country receives an average of 3.5 hours of sunlight per day, which is enough to generate significant amounts of electricity. However, the amount of electricity that can be generated by solar panels depends on various factors such as location, weather conditions, and the type and size of the solar panel system.

Let's take a closer look at these factors.


The location of your solar panel system plays a crucial role in determining its electricity generation potential. In general, areas with more sunlight will produce more electricity than those with less sunlight. This means that areas in the south of Ireland, such as Cork and Waterford, have a higher potential for solar energy compared to areas in the north. Furthermore, the orientation and tilt angle of your solar panels also affect their efficiency. Ideally, solar panels should be facing south at an angle between 30-40 degrees to maximize their exposure to sunlight.

Weather Conditions

While Ireland may not have the most consistent weather, solar panels can still generate electricity even on cloudy days.

However, their efficiency may be reduced compared to sunny days. The good news is that solar panels are designed to work in a range of weather conditions, so you can still generate electricity even on overcast days.

Type and Size of Solar Panel System

The type and size of your solar panel system also play a significant role in determining its electricity generation potential. There are two main types of solar panel systems: photovoltaic (PV) and thermal. PV systems convert sunlight into electricity, while thermal systems use sunlight to heat water. In Ireland, PV systems are more commonly used for electricity generation.

The size of your PV system will depend on your energy needs and the available space for installation. The larger the system, the more electricity it can generate.

Calculating Electricity Generation Potential

Now that we have looked at the factors that affect the electricity generation potential of solar panels in Ireland, let's see how we can calculate the actual amount of electricity that can be generated. The SEAI has developed a Solar PV Calculator that allows you to estimate the potential electricity generation of a solar panel system based on your location, roof orientation, and size of the system. According to the calculator, a 4kW PV system in Dublin can generate approximately 3,500 kWh per year, which is enough to power an average household. It's important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual electricity generation may vary depending on various factors. However, it gives you a good idea of the potential of solar panels in Ireland.

The Benefits of Solar Panels in Ireland

Aside from their electricity generation potential, solar panels offer numerous benefits for households and businesses in Ireland.

Here are some of the main advantages:

Reduced Energy Bills

By generating your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your energy bills. This is especially beneficial for businesses that consume a large amount of energy.

Lower Carbon Footprint

Solar panels are a clean and renewable source of energy, which means they do not produce any harmful emissions. By using solar panels, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Incentives and Grants

The Irish government offers various incentives and grants to encourage the use of solar panels. For example, homeowners can avail of the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) scheme, which provides tax relief for the cost of installing solar panels.

Businesses can also benefit from the Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) scheme, which allows them to claim tax relief on the cost of purchasing and installing solar panels.


In conclusion, solar panels have a high potential for electricity generation in Ireland. While the amount of electricity they can generate may vary depending on various factors, they offer numerous benefits for households and businesses. With the government's support and the increasing demand for renewable energy, solar panels are becoming an increasingly popular choice for generating electricity in Ireland.

Trisha Eder
Trisha Eder

Award-winning social media enthusiast. Freelance tv guru. Incurable coffee buff. Wannabe zombie junkie. Infuriatingly humble music aficionado.

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